Acquiring Women’s Love Doesn’t Hinge On The Bare Minimum

the bare minimum

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The concept of “bare minimum” has been a taboo in recent months with N number of thoughts and insights. Men are doing their bare minimum & often simple for women and expecting much from women. They think their gifts and words will be enough for winning women. They should realise that all their stuff is a bare minimum to women’s accountability and responsibilities. Acquiring women’s love doesn’t hinge on the bare minimum, in this matter of fact; men like these will never be trusted even when they show some love and care towards women. This article aims to showcase how men are overdoing the concept of bare minimum to women to win or appreciate women.

The bare minimum of men

Men can play the “bare minimum” cards in a negative way to make women submissive. This might include leading their women on with insincere compliments and promises, manipulating emotions to get what they want from women without genuine regard for women’s feelings.

In modern dating

Modern dating can present more challenges. Technology nowadays has made it easier to connect with their partners through social media. But, this increased accessibility is leading external exchanges, ghosting and a lack of commitment.

In modern dating, men consider holding the door open, paying for dinner, arriving on time, bringing flowers & chocolates as the matter of honour for a woman. To flatter women, men do all these. These are the bare minimum for a girl that a boy can do. A woman is capable of achieving her dreams and passion that she wants to. The boy may show love and care only at the time of dating but not throughout her life. A successful woman’s purpose of life is all demolished then and girls should not get flattered as teenagers. Girls! Be cautious that these are all bare minimum for your successful life and career.

modern dating

In relationship

In relationships, trust is the major key. Yes, agreed. But using this key, men need to demolish women’s hard earned wisdom and independence at their feet.

Historically, there have been occurrences where men have used manipulative behaviors to control women under the guise of possessiveness. This can manifest in various forms, such as, picking up, and dropping her at her location, isolating them from friends and family to maintain their power and dominance in the relationship. I think this long-standing belief of possessiveness is unnecessary.

Yet, women being empathetic by nature may find themselves more inclined to be flattered by words and actions in a relationship due to their compassionate temperament. We should understand these words and actions are a bare minimum for us to validate our self worth and to earn our love. Women must make sure that men should earn women not by giving gifts and surprises but with their sincere respect towards them.

In marriage

I couldn’t figure it out why but traditionally men are givers and providers?

In marriages, commitment is something that is often arranged rather than naturally occurring. In the past, women expected to receive appreciation for their cooking from their husbands, but in modern times, this expectation has diminished.

For instance, he might constantly remind her of all the sacrifices (the bare minimum gifts, surprises, a piece of jewellery, remembering her birthday, giving compliments, cuddling and talking) he has done for her, slyly implying that she owes him certain actions or behaviours in return. These manipulative tactics can create a dynamic where the partner feels indebted or guilty, rather than loved and respected. It’s a form of control that the bare minimum and these manipulative behaviours restricts her freedom and be responsible for inequality.

In family

In families, the parents offer a bare minimum to a girl child from food to education. Providing unequal treatment in terms of food also occurs. They offer better quality or quantity of food to their sons while providing less to daughters. Parents may unconsciously or consciously encourage their children along traditional gender lines, perpetuating stereotypes about suitable career paths for boys and girls.

For example, they might push their daughters towards fields like education, humanities, or nursing while steering their sons towards more prestigious or financially rewarding fields like engineering, medicine or business.

The provided justification from the parents’ side may be “being a girl child, I have allowed you to study this much”. The justification itself reflects a deeply embedded gender bias. And it also reflects a sense of entitlement or control by the parents over their daughter’s choice and opportunities.

The society may believe they are acting benevolently by allowing a woman to pursue education to a certain extent, based on their perception of what is appropriate for her gender, without realizing that it all a bare minimum.

The orange peel theory and its psychology

the orange peel theory

The theory is about asking your partner to do the ordinary task of peeling an orange. If they choose to do it without uncertainty, they are madly in love with you, if they do not, your relationship is hopeless. It suggests that these small acts of service in a relationship can contribute to its overall well-being, based on psychological principles.  But the orange peel theory would never contribute in the same way. because men are taking advantage of it and overdoing it. It is all about manipulative behaviours and it is just a bare minimum for a woman in her life. The making of morning coffee and peeling oranges will all be just a bare minimum. whereas the women are holding all the household chores and which is obviously unfair.


To Figure out which qualities are meant to be treated as essential demands and which are the ones that are worth sacrificing can be confusing for a woman. Firstly, women should be aware of their self worth and fineness. Women should not feel obligated to be flattered by men’s gifts and surprises; instead, they should remain sharp and aware. Always remember that bare minimum in a relationship does not fulfil the connection and intimacy required in a relationship.


(Contents Are Authoress’ Own)

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