fem-anger unfold-013
Paulo Coelho says, “Love everyone, but never sell your sword.” This is the real interpretation of life. It is okay to be kind and compassionate, but if ever someone invades your territory and threaten your well-being, use your sword. Always learn to be ready for battle in this battle field, that it may be fought brutally sometimes. And fight it till the end. Commit to memory that none and nothing is valued extra than your own emotional and physical goodness.
Are love and disappointment go in line?
The quest for Love can go on for a long time. If you’re lucky, it disappoints you quickly. Some people do not want their closed heart to feel the disappointment in their life. If there was disappointment, it was never real love. Love is unwavering, sacred and eternal. It is people’s illusion that creates the disappointment.
True Love
A Woman’s love is the pure reflection of the other person; they should not use the relationship as a key for their own expectations. Love should not have conditions or borders. They say that they love you but only when you do all their needs by leaving behind your all dreams in your life.
People set these conditions because they are afraid that, at some point their true colours will come out. But you should understand love is not physical attraction, sympathy and caring. Love is an emotional part of our real consciousness. And there will not the separations, borders and conditions among people.
Love all, trust few and do wrong to none
Love all
According to me, I advise you to never restrict your love and kindness to just a few people, but you can be openhearted to everyone and share your love without prejudice.
Trust a few
People need to apprehend that there are some people out there who all are intentional on doing wickedness to them. So simply never trust everyone with an inexperienced belief. They have to understand it and need to trust a few that they know and whose intentions are really pure.
Do wrong to none
Never do evil to anyone. No one, whoever they are, even the traitor can deserves for someone to do wrong them. It doesn’t matter what anyone else does, people should always do the right thing, even towards people who have done wrong to them. Just be kind to everyone. It costs minimum.
Very few are worth the fight
This took some time to register. Loving people is a good thing. It keeps one fresh and energetic. However when you stand to fight, it takes a lot of time, energy and focus. It is very important to know which battle to fight and which to let go. Even if you began one, it is always okay to leave it even mid way when you realize, it’s not going anywhere. Be wise. Don’t wait there to prove anything. Choose yourself, your sanity and self-respect. You are your best choice. Choose yourself always.
Asking for help is almost a taboo for people. Visiting a psychologist is one of the best decision people can ever take. They help us to see through our situation and it will work all fine later. Sometimes it happens that we can’t manage something. At those times, it is perfectly alright to ask someone who can help through the situation for us. And the fair rule of our life is, no one and nothing can help until we ask for it or accept the same.
We are all the stories which we repeatedly tell ourselves. Usually a woman in her teens and early twenties, have the pattern of attracting men who would not honour who she is. But, As soon as she realizes it, she will work on it. She has to choose men who would respect and honour her. However, every story that comes into our lives has a purpose. A woman has to acknowledge its purpose, which would teach her, self love and self forgiveness and so she can create the chain story of wonderful people. So, choose your best story. It will become your reality at times.
Love everybody but never sell your sword
You can keep reaching out to others, being generous, giving, being spontaneous, value adding and even loving. But sometimes, when you have to spotlight on yourself in life, do it more. Now and then, the more you give, the more it repels others because you are overextending yourself. At this time you have sold your sword which is your soul, and that’s not very wise because you’ll never get what you wish for in return. So the only way is to hold back, look inward, work on you and love yourself more.
I believe this is a broader saying, like, “don’t be violent but don’t let yourself be attacked”, it could make a pistol point in world.
Prepare yourself to defend it (divinity)
Ram das (Writer) had an interpretation that Jesus said something that a Christians kind of struggle with like for example; “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” and during the last supper he told to his disciples that “sell your cloak and buy a sword”. There are some other examples, but I couldn’t remember them off the top of my head. Some “Christians” actually used passages to justify war in his name. So it is a pretty difficult theme and touchy subject for some people.
Anyway, this was clearly not a call for violence, rather a (poetic) call to take up arms in defence of your divinity. The teaching is essentially: do not be morally lazy, do not be complacent or apathetic in the battle for your connection to “god” or however you like to word “it”. Instead be prepared to defend (and fight for) it and the real advice is just never hesitate to disconnect yourself from early things. Don’t be weak always. Don’t skip into moral laziness. Arm yourself with the spirit. Things like that.

Paulo Coelho’s, “Love everyone, but never sell your sword” will teach people in many different ways, until we sit down and made it our priority. When life offers us feelings of anxiety, not being worth enough and unhappiness for a long time, we have to understand something is appallingly wrong. Of course it reflects in every sphere of life. Then just learn how self love can turn everything around.
Thanks to Louise L Hay’s, “You can Heal Your Life.” I learnt that when I loved myself; I do not need relationships or anything that would not match with what I feel for myself. With self love, self respect and self care came as a gift. And when anyone loves and respect oneself, you are nothing less than phenomenal. So the idea is to go out into the world with love in your heart for all people, holding no prejudice, be careful who you trust, but always be kind to everyone. And again Love everyone, but never sell your sword.
Contents are Authoress’ own
Good.Very nice.