Red Flag To Toxic Masculinity

red flag

Fem-anger Unfold-023 Introduction Toxic masculinity is a term that has gained status in contemporary discussions surrounding gender roles and societal expectations. It refers to a set of cultural norms and …

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Gender Bias

gender bias

Fem-anger-Unfold-021 Introduction India is dominated by the ideology of patriarchy. Patriarchy is a system which is the violence of freedom, equality and basic human rights. It is deliberate that the …

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Marriage and Marital Rape

marriage and marital rape

 Fem-anger unfold -010 Introduction The concept of marriage and the marital rape lies everywhere in a different dimensions across the world. Why is the idea of being in a marriage …

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What Is Misogyny?


Fem-anger unfold-009 Misogyny involves castigate women for challenging male dominance. It may be deep-seated in hatred for women. It is a stretch often used to describe the acts of violence …

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