“NOT ALL MEN” Is Really Unemphatic

not all men

Fem-anger Unfold-015 Introduction The saying “not all men” that has been in use as a general defense of men and defence for men. It was used as catchwords by men in response to which they saw as charging all men as offenders. #notallmen began trending on twitter in 2017. This sketched an angry reaction from … Read more

India Again Slotted Low In Gender Parity-2023

gender parity

Fem-anger Unfold-014 Introduction Gender impartiality should be considered as a prime goal. Hence, the key highlights of the Global Gender Gap Report tend to reflect on the performance of the world towards the achievement. There are risks, violations and vulnerabilities women face just because they are women even now. Most of these risks are directly … Read more

“Love Everyone. But Never Sell Your Sword.” – Paulo Coelho

love everybody, but never sell your sword

fem-anger unfold-013 Introduction Paulo Coelho says, “Love everyone, but never sell your sword.” This is the real interpretation of life. It is okay to be kind and compassionate, but if ever someone invades your territory and threaten your well-being, use your sword. Always learn to be ready for battle in this battle field, that it … Read more

Eagle Eye View of Women In The “Manipulative Society”


Fem-anger unfold- 012 Introduction In general, men manipulate women to get what they want, to protect their ego. And also to avoid having to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Manipulators need to punish, control, or dominate women. They may be in the hunt for pity or attention, or have other selfish reasons. … Read more

Indian Family Reminder For a Woman

Indian family reminder for a woman

fem-anger unfold-011 Introduction The hope of marriage brings with it a good deal of fear. It is because grips many rough choices that can affect our career life resourcefully and also about the Indian family reminder for a woman. The traditional Indian men tend to be possessive because of which most girls equate marriage with … Read more

Marriage and Marital Rape

marriage and marital rape

 Fem-anger unfold -010 Introduction The concept of marriage and the marital rape lies everywhere in a different dimensions across the world. Why is the idea of being in a marriage so important to our society? Sometimes I feel like, we as a society have a habit of brushing the important topic under the carpet, closing … Read more

What Is Misogyny?


Fem-anger unfold-009 Misogyny involves castigate women for challenging male dominance. It may be deep-seated in hatred for women. It is a stretch often used to describe the acts of violence against women. Misogynistic Actions Women harassment Blaming women for conflict and expecting them to maintain social harmony Discarding women’s thoughts Certainty in traditional gender roles … Read more

Does Toxic Feminism Exist? Is That Even Destroys?

toxic feminism

Fem-anger unfold-008 Introduction Definition of feminists is different for different people. We live in a world of choices. Modern feminism can be easily interchanged with Misandry at some frames. In this judgemental society if you mention that you’re a feminist, most people (even woman) will automatically assume that you are a hater of men. Pseudo … Read more

What Is The Me Too Movement?

me too

Fem-anger unfold-007 Me Too The Me Too movement was founded in 2006. It was founded by Tarana Burke, a social activist and community organiser. Its only aim is to promote “empowerment through empathy”. In October 2017, actress Alyssa Milano supported the hashtag #MeToo. She used it on social media platform to make it known to … Read more

Mistrust Before You Trust

mistrust before you trust

Fem-anger unfold-006 It is occurred that women cry by bearing in mind their inability to act when they are made into a physical and mental sufferings by men in their life. They are just crying at that part without doing anything. I hereby intended to talk about whether crying is a sign of weakness or … Read more